Welcome to our site
This is a great place to discover the life that God breathes into St. Mary Magdalene Parish through all of the liturgical, pastoral and administrative activities of the Parish. As God continues to help us live the mission of this Christian Community, we see this as an excellent avenue to share information and offer guidance about ministries and opportunities to serve you. We welcome your interest and participation.
Father Suresh Savariraj, Pastor
Father Peter Osborne, Associate Pastor
Important Notifications
Weekend Masses
Saturday 4:00 pm St. Dunstan's
Sundayay 9:00 am St. Dunstan's
Sunday 9:00 am St. Columba
11:30 am St. Dunstan's
Sunday 11:00 am Sts. John & Paul
Weekday Masses
Tuesday 6:30 pm St. Dunstan's
Wednesday 6:00 pm St. Dunstan's
(Rosary to St Joseph & Mass)
Thursday 12:05 pm St. Dunstan's
Every 1st Friday 6:30 pm St. Dunstan's (Mass & Adoration)
Next Succeeding Fridays 6:00 pm St. Dunstan's (Adoration & Mass)
(Check Bulletin for changes)
Under Construction
The Disciple Maker Index (DMI) survey at St. Mary Magdalene is now launched. Please use this link to submit your responses. https://portal.catholicleaders.org/dmi/survey/bakggb
Or pick up a copy of the survey at the parish office to fill out at home and return to the parish office.
Annual General meeting Follow-up: Thank you to all who attended the Annual General Meeting. It was a great opportunity to share in and celebrate all that God is doing in and through our parish community and how our mission and outreach is so generously supported through your many gifts of talent, time and financial resources. At the meeting a 21 page report of
our pastoral and financial activity was presented in a booklet form. If you would like one, they are available at the entrances of each Church Site. If you would like one emailed to you, please contact the parish office at 444-6001 or office@stmarymagdaleneparish.ca