Truth and Reconciliation
The St. Mary Magdalene Parish Truth and Reconciliation Committee (TRC) was formed in September of 2023, at the invitation of Father Suresh, for the purpose of raising awareness about Indigenous issues within our parish, and the desire to move forward with concrete steps toward Truth and Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples, including addressing the 94 Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, in particular the 13 that apply directly to the Catholic Church. The members of the TRC are Father Suresh, Chris McAloon, Katie Crawford, Judy Ingram, Graydon Nicholas and Beth Nicholas. We welcome new members and would be happy to give presentations to groups and committees within our parish.
​Explanation of Parish regarding Land Acknowledgement
We recommend the following websites which provide helpful resources on Indigenous issues.
Diocese of Saint John - Saint John, New Brunswick
Diocese of Saint John
Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation: NCTR
National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation
Altar Servers
Altar server responsibilities include carrying the cross and candles in the procession/recession, preparing/setting the Altar, holding the Roman Missal for Father's opening and closing prayers, and ringing the bells during the elevation of the Host and Chalice.
The preparation of the Altar Eucharistic celebrations is the main task of this group. The members also care for the sacred vessels, prepare the liturgical books, and oversee all preparations for the Sunday and weekday Masses.
Many parishioners participate in this very important ministry, namely the proclamation of God's word. While their primary responsibility is participation at weekend liturgies, Lectors also commit themselves when possible to serve as Ministers at weekday Masses.
Eucharistic Ministers
Many parishioners participate in this very important ministry, namely the distribution of the Eucharist. While their primary responsibility is participation at weekend liturgies, Eucharistic Ministers also commit themselves when possible to serve as Ministers at weekday Masses.
Music Ministries:
Music Ministers, who volunteer their talents, enhance the liturgical life of the parish through vocal and instrumental music. An attempt is made to provide music for all weekend Masses and special occasions.
Cantors & Instrumentalists:
Cantors either sing with one of the choirs or sing alone with an instrumentalist and lead the congregation in song. As well, the various singing groups like to enhance their music with additional instruments. Those interested may participate on a regular or occasional basis.
A number of parishioners act as greeters and welcome the faithful to the liturgical celebrations in our parish. The greeters are present to greet, direct and assist parishioners, hand out bulletins, and generally to make people welcome. Other parishioners act as ushers and collectors of the offerings every weekend.
Ushers & Collectors
A number of parishioners act as ushers and collectors of the offerings every weekend. The ushers direct and assist parishioners while the collectors gather weekly offerings. Other parishioners act as greeters and welcome the faithful to the liturgical celebrations in our parish.
A number of parishioners make themselves available to serve at funerals. They are notified by a co-ordinator, and they act as Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers or Servers.
Other parishioners offer their services when funerals are held to prepare and host a post-funeral reception for family members and friends. This very valued service by the parish is a much appreciated occasion by the mourning families.
Pastoral Visitation
Mission Statement
Distribute Holy Communion to parishioners who are unable to attend Mass, who live in their homes and in institutions such as seniors complexes, senior special care homes, etc. This part of the Committee's ministry provides housebound and institutionalized persons a sense of belonging to the parish by providing continuity with the Mass.
Provide transportation to parishioners who do not have any means of transportation to attend Mass on a weekly basis.
Provide visits for people unable to attend Mass who don't want Holy Communion.
Communion Visitations
Do You Require Communion as a Housebound Person or Do You Know of Someone Housebound That Requires Communion?
The Committee needs to know of any parishioner who is unable to attend Mass that requires Communion and/or Visitation. Brochures are available at the Church entrances and in the Centre that can be used to provide information about these persons. Please use the brochure to leave a request at the office. It is not possible for the Committee to respond to housebound persons if we do not know about them. It is important to get permission from the person before making contact with us. We want to avoid possible awkward situations which may arise when people don't know their names have been put forward and the Committee contacts them. The Chair of the Committee can also be contacted directly.
Taxi Vouchers
The Committee supplies taxi vouchers for the use of parishioners who do not have transportation to attend Mass. The vouchers can only be used within the city limits of Fredericton and can only be obtained from the Committee Chair, If you or someone you know does not have transportation to attend Mass and does not have access to this website, please pass this information on to them. Brochures are available at the entrances of the Church and in the Centre which can be used to provide details. For further information and/or for obtaining vouchers, please contact the parish office at 444-6001.
Schedules & Co-ordinators
For information regarding co-ordinators and schedules for the various Ministries, please contact the parish office at 444-6001.